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Publication date: 2020-10-28

Winterlights are canceled in Luxembourg-city

The City of Luxembourg has taken the decision to cancel the Winterlights, which were about to start on November 20 and last until January 3. The new sanitary measures made the decision inevitable.

The Winterlights will not take place this year: the decision has just been confirmed by Ville de Luxembourg. It is obviously the health crisis and the context of a new epidemic wave that made this measure inevitable.

There will therefore be no Christmas market, concert, exhibition, show, or entertainment. Even if specific measures had already been decided with regard to the layout of the premises, the disinfection of the chalets, the consumption ... in order to meet the health prescriptions of the Covid law, they would not have been sufficient. “More than ever, we must be vigilant and ride on the barrier gestures and health measures in force. The organization of a Christmas market would risk compromising the health of residents and visitors to the city, ”said Mayor Lydie Polfer (DP).



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